
wavy yellow shape with green leaf border

Preschool Students

8 weeks - 11 months

We have two infant rooms.  Newborns require numerous hours of sleep in a peacful environment.  Our newborn room is for babies 8 weeks - 6 months.  Our Older Infant room is for babies 6 - 11 months old who are becoming mobile and sitting up by themselves. Babies don't move to the one year old room until they are walking independently.

One Year Olds

Toddlers are a busy bunch! Once our infants celebrate their first birthday and are walking, they move to our one year old classroom. This age group is becoming more independent and is busy exploring their world.

Two Year Olds

Our twos are learning to be more independent and may begin potty training at this age.  Please review our potty training policy before sending your student in pull ups or underwear.

Three Year Olds

Three year olds are busy learning about their world.  Potty training is a must for this age group.

Potty Training

Potty training is a big step in your child's development.  When you are ready to start potty training at home, please let your child's teacher know so we can support you.  Please review the Potty Training Policy at the link below.


Students who exhibit any of the following may not be at school.  If students develop any of those signs of illness, they must be picked up from school. Sick students may not return to school until they are 24 hours fever free with NO medication and are symptom free for 24 hours, regardless of a doctor's note. 

If your child is prone to diaper rash, please keep diaper cream at school with a completed medication form on file.  We appreciate your help in not spreading illnesses within our center.

  • Pink eye or ANY dischage from eyes;
  • Fever over 100.4;
  • Diarreah or vomiting;
  • Coughing that causes gagging or turning red in the face;
  • Rash that resembles Hand, Foot, Mouth or is spreading;
  • Diaper rash with open or bleeding sores;
  • Excessive crying due to not feeling well

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